Team growing stronger!

Team growing stronger!

As an office, we are extremely proud that mr. S. (Someyya) Kuzu will continue her career as a lawyer at our office in Amsterdam. mr. In the coming years, Kuzu...


Right to compensation in case of a hit-and-run or uninsured perpetrator

Imagine you are hit by a motor vehicle. The perpetrator decides to drive away without revealing their identity. In this case, there is damage without a known perpetrator. In another case, the perpetrator may be known, but turns out to be uninsured. Who covers the damage suffered as a result of this? The Motor Traffic […]

The continued payment of wages obligation

In many cases, your employer is legally obliged to continue paying your wages when you are ill. The main rule is that for a period of two years (104 weeks), a sick employee is entitled to continued payment of at least 70% of his established, last-earned salary. The percentage to which you are entitled can […]

Punitive damages after a traffic accident

What is punitive damages? Victims of a traffic accident who have suffered personal injury are entitled to damages. This is the intangible part of personal injury compensation. Compensation for damages that cannot be expressed in money such as: Loss of enjoyment of life Insult Psychological damage resulting from personal injury The pain you experience If […]

Team growing stronger!

As an office, we are extremely proud that mr. S. (Someyya) Kuzu will continue her career as a lawyer at our office in Amsterdam. mr. In the coming years, Kuzu will further specialize in liability law in general (including traffic accidents and industrial accidents) and medical liability cases in particular. Experience shows that victims of […]